We are not actively hiring, but we will look at applications.
Developers implement new trading strategies and analysis tools mostly in Rust.
- Prepare your solution for the code sample; see this page for details.
- Send your cover letter, CV, and the code sample to jobs [@] tsurucapital [.] com
- Schedule an interview in the Tokyo office, or a group video
- Three month working interview or internship in Tokyo
We are interested in people who can bring us new strategies, so make sure to let us know what you bring to the table.
- Send your CV and a cover letter to jobs [@] tsurucapital [.] com.
- Schedule an interview in the Tokyo office, or a group video
- Three month working interview or internship in Tokyo
Contact Us #tsurucapital
Tsuru Capital LLC
Holland Hills RoP #605
11-1, Toranomon 5-chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
〒105-0001 東京都港区虎ノ門5丁目11-1
オランダヒルズ森タワーRoP 605
We're in the resident's section called RoP. The entrance is up the street from the office entrance.